VISIA® Skin Complexion Analysis
In-depth complexion analysis is now possible at Midland Plastic Surgery Center using the VISIA® system. The VISIA® Imaging Booth and complexion analysis software work together to capture consistent images of your facial skin from three angles, evaluating eight aspects of skin appearance and quality. A series of detailed photos highlight and define each of these attributes for clear interpretation and accurate side-by-side comparisons.
What is VISIA® Skin Complexion Analysis?
VISIA® is a great way to evaluate baseline skin quality and indicate treatments and skin care products that can be most effective for helping you reach your goals. Furthermore, when VISIA is used to analyze the skin for post-treatment evaluation or assess the efficacy of skin care products that have been incorporated into your regimen, the captured images provide measurable proof of results. Contact our practice today for your VISIA® complexion analysis, and learn about which skin care products and treatments can provide optimal benefit to your skin.